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Selectmens Minutes 09/10/2007
7:00 PM Town Hall
Monday, September 10, 2007

Present:  Selectmen Emma M. Smith, Stephen W. White, William Roach, Richard Leone and Fred Gallup.  Town
Manager Donna Nashawaty.

Others:  Ronald Verblauw, Rich Mastin, Carolyn Stoddard, Anne Nilsen,  Noel Eastman, Melissa Eastman, Peggy Chalmers and children in support of the skateboard park.

The meeting was opened by Chairman Emma Smith at 7:00 PM.

1. PUBLIC COMMENTS – The first 15 minutes of the Board of Selectmen meeting is reserved for comments from the public.  Chairman E. Smith asked  if anyone wished to speak.

Ron Verblauw wished to speak with the Board regarding  reverse 911.  R. Verblauw stated that the towns of Sunapee, New London and Newbury  are planning to work together and asked if the Sunapee Board of Selectmen had any comments.  Donna Nashawaty explained what was entailed with the reverse 911.  She stated that the Selectmen had discussed this previously but found that it was very expensive and the funds did not exist to support it.  Start up costs are based on population.   R. Verblauw stated that everything is very preliminary right now and nothing has been etched in stone.  A meeting is being held with emergency personnel from all 3 towns next week.  

Shawn  Carroll complimented Donna Nashawaty and the Selectmen on the appearance of the lower level meeting room.  He also stated that an end block in the parking lot was not the correct block.  He offered to replace this with the correct one at no charge.  The Selectmen thanked him and requested that he speak with D. Nashawaty about this.  Richard Leone raised concerns about the  town  records being in a  moist environment.   D. Nashawaty stated that Betty Ramspott has addressed this with the state.  B. Ramspott reported that the storage room tested at 60% and it should be around 30%.  B. Ramspott reported that the maintenance man, Craig Heino is addressing this issue.  She also reported that her department will be receiving a grant from vital records that would supply her with a records cabinet.  She will see how many records she can get into one of these cabinets and stated that she will keep the board posted.


7:15 PM – Chief David Cahill re: Grants:   Chief Cahill was present to ask the Board to accept a grant to establish a repeater system in town for the police and fire.  He stated that this would greatly enhance communications.  The proposed location would be behind the water treatment facility on harbor hill.  The antenna will be painted black and not visible to the public.   The  grant total is  $26,000 and he is waiting  to hear back about the award.   Chief Cahill stated that he would like to see the repeater system installed by November of this year.  The grant will also cover the programming of the radios.  The Board  will accept the grant.

Use of Safety Services Building :  Chief Cahill stated  that the basement of Safety Services Building is 964 sq. ft. of space that is not being used.  He asked the Board how they would feel about renovating this space for use by the new Sunapee SAU.  He feels that it is  practical and do-able.    Shawn Carroll, School Board, stated that the space could be given back to the community sometime in the future.  The School Board will approach Northbranch, the contractors of the Safety Services Building, to receive an estimate.  They feel that the cost could be around  $80,000 if the new  maintenance man supervises the project.  S. Carroll stated that the School Board must be out of SAU 43 by July 2008.  The School Board feels the  space would be adequate for a few years.  The old  Blodgett property  may be looked into in the future.  Emma Smith asked if the Fire Department has been asked about this.  Chief Cahill stated that he has not spoken with them yet but will.  Funding to renovate the basement was discussed.  Donna Nashawaty suggested that funds might be obtained through the hydro fund.  The fund was created for  capital expenditures for the town.  A warrant article could be placed on the 2008 Town Warrant to expend $50,000 from the

hydro fund and funds received for rent from the School Board could be replaced in the fund.  This will be discussed further at budget time.

A shelter area for emergencies was raised.   Shawn Carroll stated that he thought it was the Sherborne Gym and has found out that it was switched to the high school.  Donna Nashawaty will check with Howard Sargent, Emergency Management Director.  

Swearing in-Part Time Police Officer, Preston Madrigal

Chief Cahill explained that Preston Madrigal has gone through the background check.  He would like to swear him in as a part time police officer for now.  In the future, he plans on having Officer Madrigal relieve Biff of 90% of his duties at the harbor.  P.  Madrigal has spent time with Biff at harbor.  Town Clerk, Betty Ramspott, swore in  P. Madrigal as a part time officer for the Town of Sunapee Police Department.  Emma Smith presented Officer Madrigal with his badge.  His family was present for the swearing in.  

Skateboard Park:  Rick Mastin and Chief Cahill spoke with the Board regarding a proposed skateboard park.  R. Mastin stated that he believes that the location has been  firmed up.  They would like to place it next to the basketball courts and in the side of the hill below the elementary school.  The property belongs to the town.  Several children from Sunapee attended the meeting to present a letter to the Board of Selectmen asking for their support in building the park.  R. Mastin explained that the children would like to send out letters to  business owners  requesting donations for materials for the construction of the park.  Noel Eastman, III, father of one of the children, has agreed to do the site work.  Donna Nashawaty read a letter written by Noel Eastman IV and signed by him and 11 other children.   The letter is attached to the file copy of these minutes.   Chief Cahill and Rick Mastin explained that the children will meet with Shawn Carroll and Whitcomb to tell them what they need to construct the park.  Chief Cahill stated that he believes the community will benefit from the children’s involvement.  The children will create rules and discuss a possible ordinance for the Selectmen’s review.    Chief Cahill added that Scott Blewitt, Recreation Director, will become involved with the property.   The property is 30 feet by 70 feet.  Steve White stated that he would like to see the proposed park staked out.  He also expressed concern with the possible harm which may come to the new basketball courts that were installed with donations from the Lions Club.  Richard Leone asked if anyone had spoken with the bank about the project.  Donna Nashawaty stated that she did and that the bank would be kept up to date on any plans for construction.  The overall cost of the project is not known but can be as high as $38,000.  They are not seeking town funding.  Liability was raised.  D. Nashawaty explained that there is a state statute that gives liability protection to towns and schools for parks as long as regular maintenance is given to the park.  Shawn Carroll stated that he thought the children should look into grants for funding.  Tony Bergeron stated that he believed the Hawk Foundation may award grants.  Fred Gallup suggested that the board advertise  a public meeting to discuss the skateboard park.  D. Nashawaty stated she could set this up for the next Selectmen’s meeting of September 24th.  The Board agreed to do this and to advertise for a public hearing scheduled for 7:15 PM.  

Peggy Chalmers – Master Plan:   Peggy Chalmers, Chairman Planning Board, invited all of the Selectmen to attend a special land use planning session on September 22, from 8:30 AM  to noon at the Safety Services Building.
She explained that this was a  very important session for the Master Plan and that Jeff Taylor would be the facilitator.   P. Chalmers explained that the Planning Board  is hoping to define where people want development and what   kind of development.   This session will also be used as a basis for zoning amendment proposals.  The Board is hoping to receive a lot of input from the citizens and is asking the Board of Selectmen for its support.  The session will be advertised in the Argus Champion , Kearsarge Shopper and on the town’s web  site.  A banner will be placed across Main St. to advertise and the session will run on Channel 10 as well.  The Selectmen thanked P. Chalmers for her input and gave the Planning Board their support.

July 30th and August 27th Minutes:  A motion was made and seconded (White/Gallup) to approve the minutes
of the July 30th minutes.  The vote was 4 in favor with one abstention.  Motion was made and seconded
(White/Gallup) to approve the minutes of the August 27th meeting.  The vote was unanimous and the motion


Coalition Communities

Donna Nashawaty informed the Board that she has received a request from the Coalition Communities for $2,500.00
for its appropriation for 2007 and she needs a vote by the Board authorizing her to release the funds.  There is
$6,000.00 remaining in this budget.  Motion was made and seconded (White/Roach) to authorize the payment
of $2,500.00 to the Coalition.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

Boston Post Cane

Donna Nashawaty presented a handout to the Board which explained the origination of the Boston Post Cane. A few
communities in New England received the cane years ago and were asked to have the communities present the cane
to their oldest resident.  Bernice Fontaine was the most recent recipient of the cane in the Town of Sunapee.  D.
Nashawaty  explained that Ms. Fontaine has passed away and gave her condolences to the family.  The cane should
now be presented to the present oldest residen. D. Nashawaty asked for the Selectmen’s assistance in
establishing who the recipient  should be and suggested that a notice be placed in the newspaper regarding this.  She
also suggested that a case be made to display the original cane  because of its age and significance,  a similar
cane be purchased to be given to future recipients.  Motion was made and seconded (White/Roach) to authorize
the purchase of a case to display the original cane and that a second cane be purchased to be presented
to recipients.  The motion carried.  The vote was 4 in favor and 1 abstention.


Donna Nashawaty presented the Board with a copy of the master plan she received from the Beautification
Committee for projects they would like to do up to 2018.  One of the projects the committee would like to do is sell
trees to residents of Sunapee to plant and plans for the beautification of Dewey beach.  D. Nashawaty stated that the
committee may come before the Board to request funds from the Town at the 2008 Town Meeting.  She spoke with
the committee to explain to them that because they are not a non-profit origination, they can not request public
funding and she advised them to file a 501 to apply to be non-profit.   Emma Smith suggested that the Beautification
Committee meet with the Board of Selectmen to discuss their future plans.

Ron Verblauw raised discussion on the use of the old Town Hall as a possible site for a new library.  Also discussed
was the suggested one-way loop traffic as a result of the Charrette.  D. Nashawaty will get together with Tony
Bergeron to discuss the possibility     of having a public discussion on this.  She will also speak with T. Bergeron to
see if he might have plans or suggestions for the extension of Beech Street and where to place boat trailer parking.

Richard Leone reported that the Crowther Chapel Committee has met and he raised discussion at this meting on
whether or not to have a 5 member board or a 7 member board.   This can be done with the current membership and
having Tony Bergeron as an advisor.  R. Leone explained who the current membership was.  It was discovered that
Wendy Nolin has been attending the committee meetings and she has never been appointed by the Selectmen to
become one.   A certificate will be completed for the Selctmen’s signature to place Wendy Nolin on the committee.  
Motion was made and seconded (White/Gallup) to change the Crowther Chapel Committee to 5 members.
The motion passed with 4 in favor and 1 abstention.

Pump Station – Georges Mills

Donna Nashawaty reported that she was contacted by Dave Montambeault to see if the town may apply for a grant
to install a pump station at Georges Mills to empty boats.  If the Town applies for a grant, then the Town
will have to man the station.  Sargent’s Marina was approached to run the pump, but they are a private business and
cannot receive grants.  D. Nashawaty stated that she would be worried that this may be an issue liability wise for
the Town.  

Donna Nashawaty raised discussion on the complaint of sewage odor by the White Shutters community.  They
wanted to know if the odor was in any way connected to the recent high counts of e-coli.  D. Nashawaty presented
the Board with a copy of a letter she sent to the White Shutters community explaining that this was not the case.  

Donna Nashawaty informed the Board that the Water and Sewer Commissioners will probably seek a warrant article for 2008 to run a water line along Jobs Creek rather than through Dewey woods.  The possible amount is $55,000.00.

Donna Nashawaty informed the Board that Karen McCullough is leaving her position as Selectmen’s Secretary/Assessing Clerk because she is moving back to Florida.  D. Nashawaty is advertising the position.

Donna Nashawaty informed the Board that the Town Clerk’s office will be closed the day before Christmas and asked if the other personnel may take the day off as a personnel day.   The Board approved the request.

Donna Nashawaty informed the Board that the 2nd annual employee cookout is being held Wednesday, September 19 at the Safety Services Building at 12 Noon.

Donna Nashawaty explained to the Board that the assessing department is working on receiving reapplications for property tax exemptions.  One property was receiving an elderly exemption and upon his reapplication, it was discovered that he is not eligible for the exemption by a small margin.  The exemption is granted if the owner has met income allowances.   D. Nashawaty also explained the elderly deferral exemption to the Selectmen.  Norm Bernaiche, assessor, will send a letter to the property owner to explain why he cannot get the exemption and will also explain the elderly deferral.

Sullivan County is holding a meeting on Tuesday, September 18th at the Newport Opera House to discuss the proposed MRF.  Refreshments will be served from 6:30 PM to 7:00 PM.  The meeting is scheduled for 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM.

Donna Nashawaty presented an invitation to the Board to attend a reception at the Ledyard Bank on Thursday, September 27th.

The meeting adjourned at 10:10 PM.

Submitted by,  Darlene Morse                            Approved________________________

___________________________________                     ________________________________
Emma M. Smith, Chairman                                     Stephen W. White, Vice Chairman

___________________________________                     ________________________________
William Roach                                                        Richard Leone

Frederick Gallup